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Our Aim
Zebedee Pre-school is situated in the Shotgate Community Hall and has been running for 50 years. It has been under the current owner and management since 2009.
We aim to provide a warm and welcoming environment for all children and their families. We offer a high ratio of adults to children to ensure that children are able to experience a wide variety of activities each session. They are given opportunities to express their creativity through role play, small world toys, painting and music. They begin to understand maths through simple counting games, songs, construction and sorting. Self-confidence and independence are promoted through large physical activities. Outdoor play and snack time are used to encourage healthy choices. Throughout the sessions emphasis is placed upon personal and social development as children are encouraged to share equipment and take turns, listen to others and share their experiences in small and large group situations. We value every child’s contribution to the pre-school and celebrate special moments in each child’s development.
We have an experienced team of staff who will work with you to settle your child at the pre-school. Please tell us of any concerns you have and we will work to resolve them with you. Your child will be assigned a key person who will make observations of their progress and will plan to support their continued development.
Parents are regarded as valuable partners of the pre-school. We will endeavour to keep you informed of your child’s progress at all times and will take account of your concerns, helping with any questions, offering advice or, where appropriate, referring you to a relevant professional.