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Zebedee Pre-school is a fully inclusive setting able to meet the needs of children with a range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
The setting is in a fully accessible community hall, with an accessible bathroom, changing facilities and large car park.
The setting has an experienced and knowledgeable workforce, with three experienced SENCO’s (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator) who support children, parents and staff to assess, plan and implement programmes to help each child reach their full potential. They also liaise with other professionals involved in the child’s care and attend meetings to ensure continuity of care.
The staff team have attended a wide variety of training courses to support children with SEND. Training attended includes:
- Sign-Along
- Inclusion Matters
- Inclusion Development Programme (modules 1-3) covering speech, language and communication, Autism and behavioural, emotional and social difficulties
- English as an additional language
- Team Teach
- Safeguarding
- First Aid
When there is a need, staff will attend further, specialised training in order to support the child.
The setting has an Equal Opportunities Co-ordinator, who audits the setting’s accessibility, resources and training needs.
Zebedee Pre-school has always supported children with special needs and disabilities. We have experience of supporting children with Prader-Willi Syndrome, Down’s Syndrome, emerging Autistic Spectrum Disorders and Speech and Language delays and disorders.
The setting has also worked with children with severe allergies and medical conditions such as Cystic Fibrosis and Coeliac disease.
In all cases we have worked closely with the parents and other professionals in order to provide care that is individual for each child through plans and support strategies.
Resources and activities
The pre-school modifies activities and resources in order to ensure all children are included through differentiation. Where necessary we provide extra staff in order to support individual children. The pre-school has a wide variety of resources but where necessary will purchase items, in order to enhance what we are able to offer each child.
All children are encouraged to develop to their full potential through a warm and welcoming environment. As with all our families, those of children with SEND are included in all aspects of their care. Parents are invited to attend meetings before each child starts at the pre-school. They are encouraged to share information about their child including any special needs, disabilities, behaviour problems, allergies or illnesses and we agree a settling-in procedure. This is different for each child, as each child is an individual and will have different needs and requirements. We assign a key-person so that the child and family can begin to build a relationship during visits before starting at pre-school.
Working with other professionals
Where children have identified special needs or disabilities, we encourage visits by professionals, such as Specialist Teachers, Family Support Workers or Occupational Therapists in order to support the child and help with planning for their next steps. If the child has a Team Around The Child, staff (usually the key-person and SENCO) attend any meetings to share their observations and ideas for planning for the future.
Emerging difficulties
Through observation and assessment by each child’s key-person and discussion with parents and carers, concerns of emerging difficulties are identified. Where there is concern of emerging difficulties, the child’s key-person and SENCO arrange meetings with the parents or carers in order to discuss their child’s progress and any next steps are agreed together. When there is a need for further intervention, the setting, with parents’ agreement, invite other professionals to visit and arrange a One Plan meeting to ensure we record and continually assess the needs of the child and their family.
Zebedee Pre-school has policies and procedures available to view on request, including Special Needs and Disabilities, Promoting inclusion, equality and valuing diversity, and Safeguarding children.
If you would like more information or would like to arrange a visit, please contact the pre-school manager, Carrie Rose on:
Telephone: 07906 344227
Email: carrie@zebedee-preschool.co.uk
Essex Local Offer
Please follow the link for further information and advice through Essex County Council
New Essex Local Offer website – Essex County Council