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Payment for sessions
- Fees will be £16.00 per 3 hour session from April 2024, plus a 50p charge per session for snacks and drinks, invoiced at the start of each half-term. This may be paid by cash, cheque or bank transfer. Please ask for details.
- Failure to pay for sessions may result in places being withdrawn. Please talk to us if you are experiencing problems with payment of sessions as we may be able to arrange different payment options.
- All children are entitled to receive universal funding, the term following their 3rd birthday, for up to 15 hours per week for a maximum of 38 weeks. (This is dependent on places available).
- We are able to work with other early years providers in order to allow children who are eligible, to claim the 30 hour extended funding. Details are available in the setting.
- We are also able to offer places for children eligible for 2 year funding. Please ask for details.
- All absenteeism must be paid for, including closure due to bad weather, bank holidays and hall closures.
- One month’s notice is required before leaving the pre-school or if you wish to drop any sessions. This does not include holidays.